Founded in 1969, the Community of Intersectoral Belgian Healthcare brings together the pharmaceutical industry stakeholders to collaborate and bridge gaps within a reflective-action club.
By sharing knowledge and resources, it strives to create a more comprehensive healthcare system that meets the diverse needs of the population with the stakeholder's challenges.

Our mission is to build bridges between all the stakeholders in healthcare by organizing and providing :



The free statistics tool for pharmacies. To improve, you need to know yourself, but also know the performance of others.

GERS Data Benelux

A major player in the healthcare ecosystem, GERS Data Benelux is going to draw its unique knowledge of the pharmacy world.


We organize conferences for healthcare professionals, providing a platform for knowledge sharing, networking, and fostering collaboration.

CMF database

Being connected to the market is crucial, especially in our market. CIBH's CMF database connects you with stakeholders, optimizing synergy.


Elevate your market knowledge with our yearly Polaris barometer. Gain valuable insights on trends and customer preferences. Stay ahead with data-driven analysis.